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Iron War Page 38

  p. 97 by nineteen seconds: CJ Olivares Jr., “Duel in the Sun,” Triathlete, August 1989, pp. 52–58.

  p. 97 And he did: Gary Newkirk, “World Cup Australia,” Triathlete, August 1989, pp. 38–48.

  p. 98 30-kilometer run: ibid.

  p. 98 beat him by four: ibid.

  p. 99 legitimate athletic endeavor: Ray Browning, personal telephone interview, January 2011.

  p. 99 “real” athletes appeared: ibid.

  p. 99 engagement to Julie: Newkirk, “World Cup Australia.”

  p. 100 before my time: Gary Newkirk, “Back to the Future,” Triathlete, September 1989, pp. 46–53.

  p. 100 named Lance Armstrong: McAlpine, “Dave Scott: Man, Myth, or Legend.”

  p. 100 than his rival: Bob Babbitt, “Face Off in Kona,” Competitor, October 1989, pp. 8–10, 23.

  p. 100 nine weeks before Hawaii: ibid.

  p. 100 into a tailspin: Anna Scott, personal telephone interview, November 2010.

  p. 100 ran seven and a half: Babbitt, “Face Off in Kona.”

  p. 101 wanted to save weight: Dave Scott on Competitor Radio,

  p. 101 the swim in 48:25: “Slowtwitch Forums: Triathlon Forum,”



  p. 101 he kept stomping: Dave Scott on Competitor Radio.

  p. 101 bike course in 4:27:31: “Slowtwitch Forums: Triathlon Forum.”

  p. 101 total time of 8:01:32: ibid.

  p. 101 about this,” she said: Babbitt, “Face Off in Kona.”

  p. 102 out of reach for himself: CJ Olivares Jr., “The Man Is Back,” Triathlete, October 1989.

  p. 102 San Elijo Lagoon: Mark Allen on Competitor Radio.

  p. 102 the flight into Kona: ibid.

  p. 103 lift her curse: Carole Allen interview.


  p. 105 greatest race ever run: Julie Moss, personal telephone interview, September 2010.

  p. 106 known until 1993): “Kona International Airport,” Wikipedia,

  p. 106 could happen here: Los Angeles Triathlon Club, A Night with Dave Scott and Mark Allen, 2002, videotape courtesy of Bob Babbitt.

  p. 106 only if you stay with him: Kenny Moore, “Big Splash in Hawaii,” Sports Illustrated, October 23, 1989.

  p. 107 a big mistake: Bob Babbitt, “Face Off in Kona,” Competitor, October 1989 pp. 8–10, 23.

  p. 107 unit for two weeks: Moss interview.

  p. 108 and the media: Charlie Graves, personal telephone interview, October 2010.

  p. 108 wrenches in the sport: Gary Allen, personal telephone interview, January 2011.

  p. 108 the same to Mark’s body: Mike Rubano, personal telephone interview, October 2010.

  p. 108 known to do in the past: Moss interview.

  p. 108 the next day: Dave Scott, personal telephone interview, January 2011.

  p. 109 his old college marks: Stephen Walker, “Dave Scott Interview,” Podium Sports Journal, July 1, 2007,

  p. 109 headed for town: Anna Scott interview.

  p. 109 could happen here: ibid.

  p. 110 parking lot and stopped: ibid.

  p. 110 two and a half stars, officially: “Sea Village Resort,”,

  p. 110 on that lava beach: Moss interview.

  p. 111 Elvis of triathlon: Bob Babbitt, personal conversations, June 2010–May 2011.

  p. 111 wanted him close: Anna Scott interview.

  p. 111 an adjacent unit: John Reganold, personal interview, July 2010.

  p. 111 Monday of race week: CJ Olivares Jr., “The Art of War,” Triathlete, January 1990, pp. 24–37.

  p. 111 workout sequence: Dave Scott interview.

  p. 112 over the last four: Walker, “Dave Scott Interview.”

  p. 112 their eyes dueled: Mark Allen with Bob Babbitt, Mark Allen’s Total Triathlete (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1988).

  p. 112 as this one does: ABC Sports 1989 Ironman television broadcast.

  p. 112 like to defeat: ibid.

  p. 113 swim course backward: Walker, “Dave Scott Interview.”

  p. 113 Mark Allen’s dad: Carole Allen, personal telephone interview, February 2011. Carole Allen does not recall the exact timing of this occurrence.

  p. 113 hurry to fix it: Rubano interview.

  p. 113 take care of it: George Goldstine, e-mail correspondence, February 2011. Goldstine does not recall the exact timing of this occurrence.

  p. 113 having no choice: Rubano interview.

  p. 114 equally shocked: ibid. Rubano does not recall the exact timing of this occurrence.

  p. 114 cottage cheese, and spices: Dominique Donner, “Training Tips,”, accessed August 9, 2011.

  p. 114 also high in fat: Scott Molina, personal telephone interview, July 2010.

  p. 114 advantage in Hawaii: CJ Olivares, personal telephone interview, October 2010.

  p. 115 before and during the race: ibid.

  p. 115 soft-walled suitcase: Rubano interview. Rubano does not recall the exact timing of this occurrence.

  p. 115 climb inside the bag: Phil Maffetone, personal telephone interview, January 2010.

  p. 115 hot dog!” she said: Moss interview.

  p. 116 Big Red Wiener: ibid.

  p. 116 to win Ironman: Rubano interview.

  p. 116 appointment with the chamber: Maffetone interview.

  p. 116 Seventy-five minutes: Rubano interview.

  p. 116 almost back to normal: Olivares, “The Art of War.”

  p. 116 along Ali’i Drive: Walker, “Dave Scott Interview.”

  p. 116 possible for him too: Dave Scott interview.

  p. 117 from across the road: Olivares interview. Olivares does not recall the exact timing of this occurrence.

  p. 117 ready to run: ibid.

  p. 117 in the proper direction: Walker, “Dave Scott Interview.”

  p. 117 cross a room in Kona: Babbitt interview.

  p. 117 Kamehameha Hotel: Mark Roberts, personal telephone interview, November 2010.

  p. 118 kissing the Wailing Wall: Olivares interview.

  p. 118 Tinley between them: Roberts interview.

  p. 118 at Mark’s table: ibid.

  p. 119 remembered as a legend: Tim McDonald, “The Other Dave Scott,” Triathlon, May 1984, pp. 52–53, 92–93.

  p. 119 in different environments: Molina interview.

  p. 119 his energy aura: ibid.

  p. 119 awkwardness) and brief: Roberts interview.

  p. 120 his race packet: ibid.

  p. 120 a pint of blood: Graves interview.

  p. 120 support on race day: Anna Scott interview.

  p. 120 Ryan,” Dave said: ibid.

  p. 121 back out on the course: ibid.

  p. 121 to those details: Los Angeles Triathlon Club, A Night with Dave Scott and Mark Allen. Dave Scott does not recall the exact words of this conversation.

  p. 122 made a sizzling sound: Triathlete, January 1988. This incident actually happened before the 1987 Ironman, but I took the liberty of moving it because Tinley always did something to make people laugh at the pro meeting, and there are no surviving accounts of his antics at the 1989 meeting.

  p. 122 important race rules: Gerry Rott, personal telephone interview, January 2010.

  p. 122 aid from race watchers: Brian Hughes, personal telephone interview, March 2011.

  p. 122 egg on his face: ibid.

  p. 122 the Kona Surf Hotel: Rott interview.

  p. 123 a.k.a. the Mad Triathlete: John Boyer, personal telephone interview, December 2010. Boyer does not recall the exact timing of this occurrence or the precise wording of the conversation.<
br />
  p. 123 six-minutes-per-mile pace: Walker, “Dave Scott Interview.”

  p. 123 the previous day: Moss interview.

  p. 124 embody pure peace: Brant Secunda and Mark Allen, “Fit Soul—Fit Body: 9 Keys to a Healthier, Happier You,” Living Dialogues podcast series, episodes 89 and 90,, Courtesy of Personal Life Media.

  p. 124 mutual loathing: Reganold interview.

  p. 124 certainly possible: ibid.

  p. 125 he had been already: Mike Reilly, personal telephone interview, November 2010.

  p. 125 of the King Kam: 1989 Bud Light Ironman official program.

  p. 125 before Dave came to town: Lyrics courtesy of John Boyer.

  p. 125 drunk Australian athletes: Boyer interview.

  p. 126 1,284 other bikes: Debbie Baker, personal telephone interview, December 2010.

  p. 126 he didn’t like it: Dan Rock, personal interview, Solana Beach, CA, January 2011.

  p. 126 really a Kestrel: ibid.

  p. 126 every gear change: Aaron Hersh, commissioned research.

  p. 127 to visit a friend: Jim Curl, personal telephone interview, February 2011. Curl does not recall the exact timing of this occurrence.

  p. 127 everything in sight: ibid.

  p. 127 Kanaloa with Julie: Moss interview.

  p. 128 Lagoon at home: Mark Allen on Competitor Radio,

  p. 128 true destination anyway: ibid.

  p. 128 to make offerings: plaque at Kuemanu Heiau, courtesy Department of Parks and Recreation, County of Hawaii.

  p. 129 I’ve been missing: John Brant, “Mark Allen, Astral Jock,” Outside, March 1991.

  p. 129 have to be brave: ibid.

  p. 129 Mike said, believing it: Rubano interview.


  p. 131 Frogs of Busto Arsizio: All information about and quotations from Samuele Marcora come from personal telephone interviews and e-mail correspondence with him, June 2010–March 2011.

  p. 134 strong, well-trained athletes: S. M. Marcora and W. Staiano, “The Limit to Exercise Tolerance in Humans: Mind over Muscle?” European Journal of Applied Physiology 109, 4 (July 2010): 763–770.

  p. 135 began to falter: Sharon Robb, “Mike Pigg Wins USTS Championship, Points Title,” South Florida Sun Sentinel, November 13, 1988,

  p. 135 Yet he did: Gary Newkirk, “Hilton Head: The End of THE Trail,” Triathlete, February 1989, pp. 30–37, 63.

  p. 137 spit it out: A. M. Carter, A. E. Jeukendrup, and D. A. Jones, “The Effect of Carbohydrate Mouth Rinse on 1-h Cycle Time Trial Performance,” Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 36 (December 2004): 2107–2111.

  p. 139 concentrate for that race: Triathlete, May 1984.

  p. 139 five-kilometer time trial: M. Amann, L. T. Proctor, J. J. Sebranek, D. F. Pegelow, and J. A. Dempsey, “Opioid-Mediated Muscle Afferents Inhibit Central Motor Drive and Limit Peripheral Muscle Fatigue Development in Humans,” Journal of Physiology 587, 1 (January 2009): 271–283.

  p. 141 is, in fact, cognitively demanding: S. M. Marcora, W. Staiano, and V. Manning, “Mental Fatigue Impairs Physical Performance in Humans.” Journal of Applied Physiology 106, 3 (March 2009): 857–864.

  p. 142 you as an athlete: Los Angeles Triathlon Club, A Night with Dave Scott and Mark Allen, 2002, videotape courtesy of Bob Babbitt.

  p. 142 goes on in an Ironman: ibid.

  p. 143 work through it: William R. Katovsky, “A Champion Thoroughbred,” Triathlete, September 1984, pp. 48–55.

  p. 143 seems to pay off: Bob Babbitt, “Legend of the Fall,” Competitor, October 1996, pp. 12–17.

  p. 143 his fastest efforts: Kenny Moore, “Big Splash in Hawaii,” Sports Illustrated, October 23, 1989.

  p. 143 as he spoke these words: ibid.

  p. 144 and then explode: John Brant, “Mark Allen, Astral Jock,” Outside, March 1991.

  p. 144 feeling really strong: Mike Plant, “Mark Allen,” Triathlon, July 1985, pp. 34–38.

  p. 145 circles, waiting, gloating: Mark Allen on Competitor Radio,

  p. 145 as a young boy: Dave Scott, Dave Scott’s Triathlon Training (New York: Fireside, 1986).

  p. 146 Dave loved it: Dave Scott, 2011 USA Triathlon Hall of Fame induction speech.

  p. 146 as everyone else is: Babbitt, “Legend of the Fall.”

  p. 147 that hurt them: Dr. John Deri, “Fit Soul, Fit Body,” Healthy Mind and Body podcast,

  p. 147 temperament and behavior: Suniya S. Luthar, ed., Resilience and Vulnerability: Adaptation in the Context of Childhood Adversities (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005).

  p. 148 he won’t forget it: Phil Maffetone, personal telephone interview, January 2010.

  p. 148 horsepower, escaped: Julie Moss, personal telephone interview, September 2010.


  p. 151 the alarm sounds: Dave Scott, personal telephone interview, January 2011.

  p. 151 uninterrupted slumber: Anna Scott, personal telephone interview, November 2010.

  p. 151 until the race starts: John Reganold, personal interview, July 2010.

  p. 152 a third banana: Dave Scott, Dave Scott’s Triathlon Training (New York: Fireside, 1986).

  p. 152 see what he can do: Anna Scott interview.

  p. 152 Jane from next door: Reganold interview.

  p. 152 Pat says: Reganold interview.

  p. 152 stiffness of sleep: Dave Scott interview.

  p. 153 tower on Ali’i Drive: Mike Plant, personal interview, San Marcos, CA, November 2010.

  p. 153 seven a.m. this morning: ABC Sports 1989 Ironman television broadcast.

  p. 153 to watch the start: Plant interview.

  p. 153 during the night: Scott Molina, personal telephone interview, July 2010.

  p. 153 and attacking him: John Brant, “Mark Allen, Astral Jock,” Outside, March 1991.

  p. 153 Scott to catch him: Mark Allen with Bob Babbitt, Mark Allen’s Total Triathlete (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1988).

  p. 154 his stuff together: Julie Moss, personal telephone interview, September 2010.

  p. 154 somehow turned itself on: ibid.

  p. 154 worst morning of my life: ibid.

  p. 154 he’s weeping: Rob Mackle, personal telephone interview, November 2010.

  p. 154 quietly admitted: Mike Rubano, personal telephone interview, October 2010.

  p. 154 and Brian Hughes arrive: Charlie Graves, personal telephone interview, October 2010.

  p. 155 to catch the start: Rubano interview.

  p. 155 slap in the face: Mark Allen on Competitor Radio,

  p. 155 local dive shop: Plant interview.

  p. 156 more up-tempo: ABC Sports 1989 Ironman television broadcast.

  p. 156 triathlon racing suits: ibid.

  p. 156 get ready to go: CJ Olivares Jr., “The Art of War,” Triathlete, January 1990, pp. 24–37.

  p. 156 written on that spot: “Bud Light Ironman Triathlon World Championship XI: Race Results, October 14, 1989,”,

  p. 156 X of her own: Moss interview.

  p. 156 hug and separate: ibid.

  p. 157 too many times: ibid.

  p. 157 It’s working: Mark Allen on Competitor Radio.

  p. 157 with black accents: ABC Sports 1989 Ironman television broadcast.

  p. 157 in their cages: Graves interview.

  p. 157 and during the race: Gary Allen, personal telephone interview, January 2011.

  p. 157 I have a feeling: Carole Allen, personal telephone interview, February 2011.

bsp; p. 158 with her free hand: ibid.

  p. 158 a few hours later: ibid.

  p. 158 without protest: Dave Scott interview.

  p. 158 to dethrone you: Donna de Varona, Facebook correspondence, March 2011.

  p. 158 thing he’s ever done: ABC Sports 1989 Ironman television broadcast.

  p. 159 a low chuckle: Reganold interview.

  p. 159 in the King Kam: Anna Scott interview.

  p. 159 I love you: ibid.

  p. 159 into the bay there: Dave Scott interview.

  p. 159 out of the gate: Stephen Walker, “Dave Scott Interview,” Podium Sports Journal, July 1, 2007,

  p. 159 alone, head down: Mike Reilly, personal telephone interview, November 2010.

  p. 160 Thanks: ibid.

  p. 160 over the loudspeakers: Plant interview.

  p. 161 no countdown: ibid.

  p. 161 admonitions over the loudspeakers: ibid.

  p. 161 bite someone: ABC Sports 1989 Ironman television broadcast.

  p. 161 national anthem is sung: Reilly interview.

  p. 161 they’re on board: Olivares, “The Art of War.”

  p. 161 from the pier: Chris Hinshaw, personal telephone interview, January 2011.

  p. 161 easy to find: Olivares, “The Art of War.”

  p. 161 going to beat you: Los Angeles Triathlon Club, A Night with Dave Scott and Mark Allen, 2002, videotape courtesy of Bob Babbitt.

  p. 161: Good luck, Dave: ibid.

  p. 161 behind the cannon: Debbie Baker, personal telephone interview, December 2010.

  p. 162 be somewhere else: Mike Reilly, e-mail correspondence, November 2010.

  p. 162 idly on his lap: Gary Newkirk, personal telephone interview, December 2010.

  p. 162 swim over him: Olivares, “The Art of War.”

  p. 163 off the front: ABC Sports 1989 Ironman television broadcast.

  p. 163 calling it a day: Scott Tinley, Triathlon: A Personal History (Boulder, CO: VeloPress, 1998).

  p. 163 very much a race: ABC Sports 1989 Ironman television broadcast.

  p. 164 end well for you: Walker, “Dave Scott Interview.”

  p. 164 Beast of the East: Ken McAlpine, “The Beast from the East,” Triathlete, May 1989, pp. 70–73.

  p. 164 matter of minutes: Olivares, “The Art of War.”

  p. 164 swim exit ramp: “Bud Light Ironman Triathlon World Championship XI: Race Results, October 14, 1989.”